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- A. Yavari and A. Goriely, Nonlinear Cauchy elasticity.
- S. Sadik and A. Yavari, A Generalised Coleman-Noll Procedure and the Balance Laws of Hyper-Anelasticity.
- A. Yavari and D. Sfyris, Universal displacements in anisotropic linear Cauchy elasticity, Journal of Elasticity 157, 2025, pp.1–15.
- S. P. Pradhan and A. Yavari, Nonlinear mechanics of phase-change-induced accretion, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solid 193 (2024) 105888.
- A. Yavari, Y. Safa, and A. S. Fallah, Finite extension of accreting nonlinear elastic solid circular cylinders, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 36, 2024, pp. 1053-1069.
- A. Yavari and A. Goriely, Controllable deformations in compressible isotropic implicit elasticity, Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (2024) 75:169.
- A. Yavari, Universal deformations and inhomogeneities in isotropic Cauchy elasticity, Proceedings of the Royal Society A 480, 2024, 20240229.
- F. Fedelle and A. Yavari, Geometric phases of nonlinear elastic N-rotors via Cartan’s moving frames, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 459 (2024) 134040.
- S. Sadik and A. Yavari, Nonlinear anisotropic viscoelasticity, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 182 (2024) 105461.
- A. Yavari, Universal displacements in inextensible fiber-reinforced linear elastic solids, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 29 (6), 2024, pp. 1136-1152.
- A. Kumar and A. Yavari, Nonlinear mechanics of remodeling, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 181 (2023) 105449.
- S. P. Pradhan and A. Yavari, Accretion-ablation mechanics, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 381 (2023): 20220373.
- F. Fedelle, P. Suryanarayana, and A. Yavari, On the effective dynamic mass of mechanical lattices with microstructure, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 179 (2023) 105393..
- F. Sozio and A. Yavari, A geometric field theory of dislocation mechanics, Journal of Nonlinear Science 33, 83 (2023).
- F. Sozio, M.F. Shojaei and A. Yavari, Optimal elastostatic cloaks, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 176 (2023) 105306.
- A. Yavari and F. Sozio, On the direct and reverse multiplicative decompositions of deformation gradient in nonlinear anisotropic anelasticity, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 170, 2023, 105101.
- A. Yavari and A. Goriely, The universal program of linear elasticity, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 28(1), 2023, pp. 251-268.
- A. Yavari and S. P. Pradhan, Accretion mechanics of nonlinear elastic circular cylindrical bars under finite torsion, Journal of Elasticity Elasticity (2022) 152:29-6.
- A. Yavari and A. Goriely, Universality in anisotropic linear anelasticity, Journal of Elasticity 150, 2022, pp. 241-259.
- A. Yavari and A. Goriely, The universal program of nonlinear hyperelasticity, Journal of Elasticity 154, 2022, 91-146.
- A. Yavari, Universal deformations in inhomogeneous isotropic nonlinear elastic solids, Proceedings of the Royal Society A 477, 2021, 20210547.
- A. Golgoon and A. Yavari, On Hashin’s hollow cylinder and sphere assemblages in anisotropic nonlinear elasticity, Journal of Elasticity 146:65–82, 2021.
- A. Yavari and A. Goriely, Universal deformations in anisotropic nonlinear elastic solids, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 156, 2021, 104598.
- A. Yavari, On Eshelby’s inclusion problem in nonlinear anisotropic elasticity, Journal of Micromechanics and Molecular Physics 6(1), 2021, 2150002.
- F. Sozio and A. Yavari, On Nye’s lattice curvature tensor, Mechanics Research Communications 113, 2021, 103696.
- F. Sozio, A. Golgoon, and A. Yavari, Elastodynamic transformation cloaking for non-centrosymmetric gradient solids, Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik 72(3), 2021, 123.
- C. Goodbrake, A. Goriely, and A. Yavari, The mathematical foundations of anelasticity: Existence of smooth global intermediate configurations, Proceedings of the Royal Society A 477, 2021, 20200462.
- A. Golgoon and A. Yavari, Transformation cloaking in elastic plates, Journal of Nonlinear Science 31: 17, 2021.
- C. Goodbrake, A. Yavari, and A. Goriely, The Anelastic Ericksen problem: Universal deformations and universal eigenstrains in incompressible nonlinear anelasticity, Journal of Elasticity 142, 2020, pp. 291–381.
- F. Sozio, M.F. Shojaei, S. Sadik, and A. Yavari, Nonlinear mechanics of thermoelastic accretion, Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik 71(3), 2020, 87.
- A. Yavari, C. Goodbrake, and A. Goriely, Universal displacements in linear elasticity, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 135, 2020, 103782.
- F. Sozio and A. Yavari, Riemannian and Euclidean material structures in anelasticty, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 25(6), 2020, 1267-1293.
- M.F. Shojaei and A. Yavari, Compatible-strain mixed finite element methods for 3D compressible and incompressible nonlinear elasticity, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 357, 2019, 112610.
- A. Yavari and A. Golgoon, Nonlinear and linear elastodynamic transformation cloaking, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 234(1), 2019, 211-316.
- F. Sozio and A. Yavari, Nonlinear mechanics of accretion, Journal of Nonlinear Science 29(4), 2019, 1813-1863.
- A. Golgoon and A. Yavari, Line and point defects in nonlinear anisotropic solids, Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik 69, 2018, 81.
- M.F. Shojaei and A. Yavari, Compatible-strain mixed finite element methods for incompressible nonlinear elasticity, Journal of Computational Physics 361, 2018, pp. 247-279. , February, 2018 Download
- A. Golgoon and A. Yavari, Nonlinear elastic inclusions in anisotropic solids, Journal of Elasticity 130, 2018, pp. 239-269.
- A. Golgoon and A. Yavari, On the stress field of a nonlinear elastic solid torus with a toroidal inclusion. Journal of Elasticity 128(1), 2017, pp. 115-145.
- S. Sadik and A. Yavari, Geometric nonlinear thermoelasticity and the time evolution of thermal stresses, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 22 (7), 2017, pp. 1546-1587.
- A. Angoshtari, M.F. Shojaei, and A. Yavari, Compatible-strain mixed finite element methods for 2D nonlinear elasticity, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 313, 2017, pp. 596-631.
- S. Sadik and A. Yavari, On the origins of the idea of the multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 22, 2017, pp. 771-772.
- F. Sozio and A. Yavari, Nonlinear mechanics of surface growth for cylindrical and spherical elastic bodies, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 98, 2017, pp. 12-48.
- A. Yavari and A. Goriely, The anelastic Ericksen’s problem: Universal eigenstrains and deformations in compressible isotropic elastic solids, Proceedings of the Royal Society A 472, 2016, 20160690.
- S Sadik and A. Yavari, Small-on-large geometric anelasticity, Proceedings of the Royal Society A 472, 2016, 20160659.
- A. Angoshtari and A. Yavari, Hilbert complexes of nonlinear elasticity, Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik 67(6):143, 2016.
- A. Yavari, On the wedge dispiration in an inhomogeneous isotropic nonlinear elastic solid, Mechanics Research Communications 78, 2016, pp. 55-59.
- A. Yavari, A. Ozakin, S. Sadik, Nonlinear elasticity in a deforming ambient space, Journal of Nonlinear Science 26(6), 2016, pp. 1651-1692.
- A. Golgoon, S. Sadik, and A. Yavari, Circumferentially-symmetric finite eigenstrains in incompressible nonlinear isotropic elastic wedges, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 84, 2016, pp. 116-129.
- S. Sadik, A. Angoshtari, A. Goriely, and A. Yavari, A geometric theory of nonlinear morphoelastic shells, Journal of Nonlinear Science 26(4), 2016, pp. 929-978.
- A. Angoshtari and A. Yavari, The weak compatibility equations of nonlinear elasticity and the insufficiency of the Hadamard jump condition for non-simply connected bodies, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 28(5), 2016, 1347-1359.
- A. Yavari and A. Goriely, The twist-fit problem: Finite torsional and shear eigenstrains in nonlinear elastic solids, Proceedings of the Royal Society A 471, 2015, 20150596.
- A. Yavari and A. Goriely, On the stress singularities generated by anisotropic eigenstrains and the hydrostatic stress due to annular inhomogeneities, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 76, 2015, pp. 325-337.
- A. Angoshtari and A. Yavari, Differential complexes in continuum mechanics, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 216, 2015, pp. 193-220.
- A. Angoshtari and A. Yavari, On the compatibility equations of nonlinear and linear elasticity in the presence of boundary conditions, Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik 66(6), 2015, pp. 3627-3644.
- A. Yavari and A. Goriely, The geometry of discombinations and its applications to semi-inverse problems in anelasticity, Proceedings of the Royal Society A 470, 2014, 20140403.
- R. Mirzaeifar, T. Zhu, K. Gall, A. Yavari, and R. DesRoches. Structural transformations in NiTi shape memory alloy nanowires, Journal of Applied Physics 115, 2014, 194307.
- N.D. Afify, H.G. Salem, A. Yavari, and T. El Sayed, Consolidation of nanometer-sized aluminum single crystals: microstructure and defects evolutions, Computational Materials Science 85, 2014, pp. 306-309.
- A. Ozakin and A. Yavari, Affine development of closed curves in Weitzenbock manifolds and the Burgers vector of dislocation mechanics, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 19, 2014, pp. 299-307.
- A. Yavari and A. Goriely, Nonlinear elastic inclusions in isotropic solids, Proceedings of the Royal Society A 469, 2013, 20130415.
- N.D. Afify, H.G. Salem, A. Yavari, and T. El Sayed, Mechanism of the superior mechanical strength of nanometer-sized metal single crystals revealed, Computational Materials Science 78, 2013, pp. 34-38.
- R. Mirzaeifar, R. DesRoches, A. Yavari, and K. Gall, A micromechanical analysis of the coupled thermomechanical superelastic response of textured and untextured polycrystalline NiTi shape memory alloys, Acta Materialia 61, 2013, pp. 4542-4558.
- A. Angoshtari and A. Yavari, A geometric structure-preserving discretization scheme for incompressible linearized elasticity, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 259, 2013, pp. 130-153.
- A. Yavari, Compatibility equations of nonlinear elasticity for non-simply-connected bodies, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 209(1), 2013, pp. 237-253.
- R. Mirzaeifar, R. DesRoches, A. Yavari, and K. Gall, On superelastic bending of shape-memory-alloy beams, International Journal of Solids and Structures 50, 2013, pp. 1664-1680.
- A. Yavari and A. Goriely, Riemann-Cartan geometry of nonlinear disclination mechanics, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 18(1), 2013, pp. 91-102.
- A. Yavari and A. Goriely, Weyl geometry and the nonlinear mechanics of distributed point defects, Proceedings of the Royal Society A 468, 2012, pp. 3902-3922.
- A. Yavari and A. Goriely, Riemann-Cartan geometry of nonlinear dislocation mechanics, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 205(1), 2012, pp. 59–118.
- R. Mirzaeifar, R. DesRoches, A. Yavari, and K. Gall, Coupled thermo-mechanical analysis of shape memory alloy circular bars in pure torsion, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 47, 2012, pp. 118-128.
- A. Yavari and J.E. Marsden, Covariantization of nonlinear elasticity, Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik 63(5), 2012, pp. 921-927.
- H. Khezrzadeh, M.P. Wnuk, and A. Yavari, Influence of material ductility and crack surface roughness on fracture instability, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44, 2011, 395302.
- R. Mirzaeifar, R. DesRoches, and A. Yavari, Analysis of rate-dependent coupled thermo-mechanical response of shape memory alloy bars and wires in tension, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 23, 2011, pp. 363-385.
- A. Angoshtari and A. Yavari, Convergence analysis of the Wolf method for Coulombic interactions, Physics Letters A 375, 2011, pp. 1281-1285.
- A. Angoshtari and A. Yavari, Effect of external normal and parallel electric fields on 180o ferroelectric domain walls in PbTiO3, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23, 2011, 035901 , January, 2011 Download
- R. Mirzaeifar, R. DesRoches, and A. Yavari, A combined theoretical, numerical, and experimental study of shape-memory-alloy helical springs, International Journal of Solids and Structures 48, 2011, pp. 611-624.
- R. Mirzaeifar, M. Shakeri, R. DesRoches, and A. Yavari, A semi-analytic analysis of shape memory alloy thick-walled cylinders under internal pressure, Archive of Applied Mechanics 81, 2011, pp. 1093-1116.
- A. Angoshtari and A. Yavari, Atomic structure of steps on 180o ferroelectric domain walls in PbTiO3, Journal of Applied Physics 108, 2010, 084112.
- A. Angoshtari and A. Yavari, Finite-temperature atomic structure of 180o ferroelectric domain walls in PbTiO3, Europhysics Letters 90, 2010, 27007.
- A. Yavari and H. Khezrzadeh, Estimating terminal velocity of rough cracks in the framework of discrete fractal fracture mechanics, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 77, 2010, pp. 1516-1526.
- A. Ozakin and A. Yavari, A geometric theory of thermal stresses, Journal of Mathematical Physics 51, 2010, 032902.
- A. Yavari and A. Angoshtari, Structure of defective crystals at finite temperatures: A quasi-harmonic lattice dynamics approach, International Journal of Solids and Structures 47, 2010, pp. 1807-1821.
- A. Angoshtari and A. Yavari, Effect of strain and oxygen vacancies on the atomic structure of 180o ferroelectric domain walls in PbTiO3, Computational Materials Science 48, 2010, pp. 258-266.
- A. Yavari, A geometric theory of growth mechanics, Journal of Nonlinear Science 20(6), 2010, pp. 781-830.
- R. Mirzaeifar, R. DesRoches, and A. Yavari, Exact solutions for pure torsion of shape-memory-alloy circular bars, Mechanics of Materials 42, 2010, pp. 797-806.
- M. P. Wnuk and A. Yavari, On estimating stress intensity factors and modulus of cohesion for fractal cracks, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 70(10), 2010, pp. 1659-1674.
- A. Yavari and J.E. Marsden, Energy balance invariance for interacting particle systems, Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik 60 (4), 2009, pp. 723-738.
- M.P. Wnuk and A. Yavari, A discrete cohesive model for fractal cracks, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 76, 2009, pp. 548-559.
- S. Kavianpour and A. Yavari, Anharmonic analysis of defective crystals with many-body interactions using symmetry reduction, Computational Materials Science 44 (2009), pp. 1296-1306.
- A. Yavari and J.E. Marsden, Covariant balance laws in continua with microstructure, Reports on Mathematical Physics 63(1),2009, pp. 1-42.
- A. Yavari and A. Ozakin, Covariance in linearized elasticity, Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik 59(6), 2008, pp. 1081-1110.
- A. Yavari, On geometric discretization of elasticity, Journal of Mathematical Physics 49, 2008, 022901, pp. 1-36.
- M.P. Wnuk and A. Yavari, Discrete fractal fracture mechanics, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 75(5), 2008, pp. 1127-1142.
- Z.P. Bazant and A. Yavari, Response to A. Carpinteri, B. Chiaia, P. Cornetti and S. Puzzi’s Comments on “Is The Cause of Size Effect on Structural Strength Fractal or Energetic-Statistical?”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 74, 2007, pp. 2897-2910.
- E. Kanso, M. Arroyo, Y. Tong, A. Yavari, J. E. Marsden, and M. Desbrun, On the geometric character of traction in continuum mechanics, Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik 58(5), 2007, pp. 843-856.
- A. Yavari, M. Ortiz, and K. Bhattacharya, Anharmonic lattice statics analysis of 180o and 90o ferroelectric domain walls in PbTiO3, Philosophical Magazine 87(26), 2007, pp. 3997-4026.
- A. Yavari, M. Ortiz, and K. Bhattacharya, A theory of anharmonic lattice statics for analysis of defective crystals, Journal of Elasticity 86, 2007, pp. 41-83.
- A. Yavari, J.E. Marsden, and M. Ortiz, On spatial and material covariant balance laws in elasticity, Journal of Mathematical Physics 47, 2006, 042903; pp. 1-53 , April, 2006 Download
- M. P. Wnuk and A. Yavari, A correspondence principle for fractal and classical cracks, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 72, 2005, pp. 2744-2757.
- Z. P. Bažant and A. Yavari, Is the cause of size effect on structural strength fractal or energetic–statistical? Engineering Fracture Mechanics 72, 2005, pp. 1-31.
- A. Yavari, Generalization of Barenblatt’s cohesive fracture theory for fractal cracks, Fractals 10(2), 2002, pp. 189-198.
- A. Nosier and A. Yavari, Surface balance laws of linear and angular momenta and Cauchy’s stress theorem, Scientia Iranica 11(1-2), 2004, pp. 21-25.
- A. Yavari, S. Sarkani , and E. T. Moyer, Jr., On fractal cracks in micropolar elastic solids, Journal of Applied Mechanics 69(1), 2002, pp. 45-54.
- A. Yavari, M. Nouri, and M. Mofid, Discrete element analysis of dynamic response of Timoshenko beams under moving mass, Advances in Engineering Software 33(3), 2002, pp. 143-153.
- A. Yavari, S. Sarkani, and E. T. Moyer, Jr., The mechanics of self-similar and self-affine fractal cracks, International Journal of Fracture 114(1), 2002, pp. 1-27.
- A. Yavari, S. Sarkani, and J. N. Reddy, Generalized solutions of beams with jump discontinuities on elastic foundations, Archive of Applied Mechanics 71(9), 2001, pp. 625-639.
- M. Mofid, R. Alizadegan , B. Ashuri, and A.Yavari, Computing the kern of a general cross-section, Advances in Engineering Software 32(12), 2001, pp. 949-955.
- A. Yavari and S. Sarkani, On applications of generalized functions to the analysis of Euler-Bernoulli beam-columns with jump discontinuities, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 43(6) 2001, pp. 1543-1562.
- A. Yavari, A. Kaveh, S. Sarkani, and H. A. R. Bondarabady, Topological aspects of meshless methods and nodal ordering for meshless discretizations, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 52 (9), 2001, pp. 921-938.
- A. Yavari, S. Sarkani, and J. N. Reddy, On nonuniform Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko beams with jump discontinuities: Application of distribution theory, International Journal of Solids and Structures 38(46-47), 2001, pp. 8389-8406.
- A. Nosier, A. Yavari, and S. Sarkani, On a boundary layer phenomenon in Mindlin-Reissner plate theory for laminated circular sector plates, Acta Mechanica 151(3-4), 2001, pp. 149-161.
- A. Nosier, A. Yavari, and S. Sarkani, A study of the edge-zone equation of Mindlin-Reissner plate theory in bending of laminated rectangular plates, Acta Mechanica 146(3-4), 2001, pp. 227-238.
- A. Nosier, A. Yavari, and S. Sarkani, Study of edge-zone equation of Mindlin-Reissner plate theory, Journal of Engineering Mechanics 126(6), 2000, pp. 647-651.
- A. Yavari, S. Sarkani, and E. T. Moyer, Jr., On applications of generalized functions to beam bending problems, International Journal of Solids and Structures 37(40), 2000, pp. 5675-5705.
- M. Mofid and A. Yavari, On the kern of a general cross section, International Journal of Solids and Structures 37(17), 2000, pp. 2377-2403.
- A. Yavari, K.G. Hockett , and S. Sarkani, The fourth mode of fracture in fractal fracture mechanics, International Journal of Fracture 101(4), 2000, pp. 365-384.
- A. Yavari, E. T. Moyer, Jr., and S. Sarkani, A reappraisal of transition elements in linear elastic fracture mechanics, International Journal of Fracture 100(3), 1999, pp. 227-248.
- A. Yavari, S. Sarkani, and E. T. Moyer, Jr., On quadratic isoparametric transition elements for a crack normal to a bimaterial interface, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 46(3), 1999, pp. 457-469.
- M. Mofid and A. Yavari, Bending of unbonded multilayered beams and plates, Mechanics Research Communications 26(1), 1999, pp. 69-74.